To submit a proposal of a new content to be published on the website of INFN – National Laboratory of Frascati follow these two simple steps:


1Send us an informal email describing your proposal: cdrweb@lnf.infn.it

2Once the proposal is approved by the Director, submit the content using the following on-line form.

Request for publication on LNF website

    Fields marked with * are mandatory.

    Group *

    Particle Physics (CSN 1)Astroparticle Physics (CSN 2)Nuclear Physics (CSN 3)Theoretical Physics (CSN 4)Technological Research (CSN 5)Accelerator DivisionResearch DivisionTechnical DivisionAdministration

    SiddhartaKloeDafneSparcBTFScientific DisseminationTechnology TransferExternal FundsOther
    [group group-1]


    REQUEST for the publication on the website www.lnf.infn.it of *

    NewsInternal communicationUpdate of an existing webpage

    [group group-link-webpage]


    In which language did you write the content?*

    If you can please send us both the content and the translation, in order to speed up the publication.

    [group group-ita]

    Text (attach .doc or .docx file in Italian) *

    It is clarified that the text, without prejudice of the content, may be modified to fit for web publication. Editing by LNF Web Editorial Board.

    [group group-eng]

    Text (in English)*

    It is clarified that the text, without prejudice of the content, may be modified to fit for web publication. Editing by LNF Web Editorial Board.
